Tuesday, 29 September 2009

To do:

Move (have to be out by saturday)
Finish jewellery order (should have been finished today but I appologised and extended it but need it done before I move out since then I can't make anything.
Get travel insurance
Finish Packing for trip
Get some proper sleep (not looking likelty)
Sort our bank transfers & direct debits
Sort out pay that agency got wrong
Clean room
Go to dentist
Get time at doctor (for a shot *brrr*)
Update blog

Well atleast I kind of did the last thing...

Sunday, 6 September 2009

Tickets are now booked!

I am leaving the UK on the 13 October and will not be back until the 25 January!

Unless I get killed or something in which case I might be back sooner...or not at all.

But yay! I'm going :-)

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Need input!

As a female about to travel thru North America I do have somethings I wonder about.

How safe it is to travel on my own? I have common sense so know not to trust strangers or walk down dark alleys at night etc, but I do still want to go out in the evenings and meet people so if anyone knows what towns I'm safest to go out in and what areas I should avoid etc please let me know.
Also suggestion of bars etc that would be fun for a single woman to go to are appreciated!

I'm am wondering about the following places:

New York
Washington DC
New Orleans
Los Angeles
Las Vegas
San Fransisco